Tuesday 21 June 2016

Pain Management Doctor and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

At Intelligent Pain Solutions Los Angeles, you will be treated with compassion, respect and a very high level of skill!

Options include several types of epidural injections, radiofrequency ablation, stem cell therapy, facet injections, occipital blocks, spinal cord stimulator implants, and joint injections to name a few.

Treatments at Intelligent Pain Solutions are cutting edge and performed by a first rate pain management doctors in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. Over twenty five pain therapies are available including stem cell therapy for the spine and ALL joints!

For over twenty years, Dr. George Graf has been treating the Beverly Hills and Los Angeles communities with first rate expertise and compassion. Dr. Graf has been an Assistant Clinic Professor at both Yale and UCLA, and has written over ten book chapters and research papers.

All of the interventional therapies being offered are minimally invasive, outpatient and exceptionally low risk. If you or a loved one is suffering from a painful condition such as sciatica, failed back surgery, whiplash, spinal stenosis, neuropathy – then Intelligent Pain Solutions can offer relief to help you get back to work, playing with the kids and change your life.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative new treatment for injuries and chronic conditions. There has been extensive publicity about platelet rich plasma therapy Los Angeles. Although blood is mainly composed of plasma (liquid), it also contains small solid components, such as platelets, white cells, and red cells. Platelets are known to clot blood, but they also contain growth factors, which are special proteins that help heal tissues.

To develop the PRP preparation, a nurse will draw the blood from you. The platelets are separated from the other blood components by a centrifuge, which spins the blood components in a special separating tube. The increased concentration of platelets is then ready to be injected into the body region of concern.

Experts believe that injecting a solution rich in growth factors will speed the healing process. This can be done through two mechanisms:

PRP can be injected into the damaged or injured area. A mixture of PRP and a local anesthetic is placed directly into the inflamed tissue. Afterwards, the pain at the injection site increases for the first couple of weeks, but after this, the patient will experience the beneficial effects.

PRP is often used to heal surgical repaired structures, such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles. This is done by preparing the PRP so it is actually stitched into the torn tissues.

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